To know me is to know my mother, and to know my mother, is to know my grandmother. Descending from a line of witches, each generation battling against all that threatens the feminine divine. My mother brought me through her portal and with that, she brought the third generation Earthside.

I was born through battle. My first breath filled with fire, so much so that it caused my own mother to draw back. A battle cry was released, and it was a song that penetrated beyond time. My soul knew what this cry was for, but my consciousness was far too young to recall all that had been affirmed with the universe.

Life began. Very quickly, I would come to know what it means to be violated in mind, body, and soul while experiencing pain, loss, and betrayal. My roots were pulled and poisoned; I came to know the horrors of this planet all too well. Decades later, when I, like my mother and grandmother, would act as a vessel bringing my daughter Earthside, I would truly start my voyage - learning to walk the night rather than to fear it.

Motherhood has taught me softness and unconditional love. It turned my fire playful while it also opened the dam, allowing my river to flow through blood-stained battlegrounds that had been barricaded. It started the regrowth and healing from the third, second, and first generations. It was with the fourth that something new was born. My daughter, just like me, was made of fire and water, however hers would be used for the strength and healing of our family lineage as well as for the world around. Her father, my husband, also of fire and water, carries with him the ability to swim in the darkness that crawls into the depths of his water. He doesn’t hesitate when he is called to run directly into the flames that surround him as he is unphased by them.

So now you know who I am. I am a warrior of the night with generations of the feminine divine backing me as I help to restore balance to the masculine and the feminine. Born with an endless fire in my soul and a river that flows behind me, cleansing the fronts I’ve been called to fight on, I am both masculine and feminine. I have a healer for a daughter and a warrior for a husband. They stand with me, and the power of our strength combined keeps us rooted firmly to the Earth so we can support each other through the barrage of life.

I will fight for all who have become lost to the dark and will light the way to a place of reprieve and love. I will walk beside you as we face all that haunts you and I will cheer for you as you heal, reclaim your power, and step into all that you are.

No matter what awaits you, you will have a healer, a warrior, and an endless light with you every step of the way.