This is the story of how nobody became the Knight. A story of fate bonded to flesh when a shadow was born in a lighthouse on the prairies. That was the original forge, the esoteric arts school that crafted so many divine instruments and attuned so many more. The story begins in Valhalla, Alberta in my mother's womb, she was born clutching my egg inside her and dedicated her life to diligently planting and tending to the seeds of our legacy.
To say my origins begin in Valhalla says a whole lot about the quest of the Knight, and how he returned to the Maya to stand for his queen, his integra, his knights. But first and foremost to find himself in the æther, to harness the 4 elements of Eden and discover through walking the dark nights of the soul how nobody becomes perfect through every mistake. Only through walking your own quest line, traversing your own dark nights of the soul, do you see your dawn. This is a story of my quest to understand how the infinite comes from nothing and ends with nothing - the Whole Point of Infinity.
So now that's all a great story, very cryptic and whatnot, but in this quest of the nobody becoming the Knight there are many dragons to face, princesses to save, armies to lead, dances to dance and X’s full of booty to unearth, but at the core of all of this is the quest of a man uncovering himself. Finding himself in every person he faces, every art he masters and tool he forges. Each step of the journey brings him back to where he started. Each step of the journey is another page of the book of the Knight.
So then who is Nik? Nik is Ink, the Nobody and the Knight. A guardian of the divine feminine, he is brother, friend, son and moon. Translating the movements of the celestial clockwork into pathways for the Children of the Divine to explore. Each and every one of them are shining reflections of battles I have won and lost. At the core of it all, Nik is a reflection of every one of you. He is whatever you need him to be, because part of being a dark knight of the soul is being whoever you need to be for whatever quest comes your way.
Just know that no matter what role is played, we're all just memories, we all stretch off into Infinity. That's all we’ve got for now but know that no matter what role or title is played I am first and foremost always the artist, a weaver of the æther. Whether I'm playing the role of the Knight or the Nobody, just remember that the path of the artist is the fundamental basis of all these quests. It is what puts the heart in art and the art in heart and it’s beyond ironik how the story unfolds.
All I need is my blade and my steed, my castle and my dream, my army behind me, my queen beside me. Crown me when I’m dead because until then, Nobody’s perfect.